The first meeting was held February 14, 1883, in the home of Mrs. WEIHE, 2315 California Street. Four ladies were present and three were elected to membership. The constitution and by-laws were drawn up and Mizpah Charity Club has been a going concern ever since.
Outgrowing the private home, the club met for several years in St. Stephens Church. In 1914 it found it necessary to move again and establish itself in its present very pleasant quarters in the California Club Building, 1750 Clay Street.
Meetings are held on Monday afternoons for nine months of the year, to sew for the Children's Agency, the Infants' Shelter, the Children's Hospital and the San Francisco Nursery for Homeless Children.
One hundred and twenty-two garments were made the past year. A box of
shoes and clothing were sent to the Red Cross. Four families were served
with Thanksgiving dinner and Santa Claus' pack was made heavier for four
families and four institutions, and St. Dorothy's Rest and the Leper
Colony at the Isolation Hospital were not forgotten.
Money expended in relief, during the year, totals $415.50. A unit of the Needle-work Guild of America has been formed and is under the direction of Mrs. G. F. TERSCHUREN. While "Service" and "Others" are the keynote of our club life a little time for sociability is encouraged. To that end monthly luncheons are indulged in. An annual outing is participated in with great eclat. The brilliant occasion of the year, however, is Founders' Day, when a Valentine card party is held in the home of a member; active and associate members participating.
Mrs. MacMASTER discovered Mizpah Charity Club working along in
its own quiet way, and invited it to join the Federation. Realizing that
we must advance together, hand in hand, in full harmony with after-war
requirements, we accepted the invitation. And here we are, to help the
promotion of clubdom's program that works for mutual acquaintance,
cooperation, good will and appreciation of the individual, regardless of
birth place and race.
OFFICERS 1918-1920
Mrs. H. B. EDWARDS, President
Miss Louise ELLIOT, Vice-President
Mrs. Walter MEAD, Recording Secretary
Mrs. William W. REDNALL, Treasurer
Mrs. Vernon G. WHETSTON, Corresponding Secretary
OFFICERS 1920-1921
Mrs. William W. REDNALL, President
Mrs. M. O'BRIEN, Vice-President
Mrs. Walter MEAD, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Vernon G. WHETSTON, Treasurer
Mrs. William H. KING, Corresponding Secretary