San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
California Club of California
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

California Club of California
Mrs. Howard C. TIBBITTS, President

Organized 1897 Federate 1916
Meets every Tuesday

During the present administration the members of this club worked faithfully and well on all war work
activities, including Red Cross work, Bond selling, Thrift Stamp sales, War Camp Community
service, and labored unselfishly for the sick and needy during the influenza epidemic.

The Club threw open its doors to the public, inviting it to share the educational programs given.
These programs embraced a very wide range of subjects - local, national and international. The
result, at times, was "standing room only."

It gave a practical demonstration of "Americanization" in an entertainment to women of Slavic, Latin
and Oriental nationalities, in a truly democratic and hospitable spirit. With a warm hearted
appreciation several of these groups have reciprocated and given to our Club programs of their
national music, folk songs, and dances in their native costumes.

It has provided programs for the Women's Ward of San Quentin prison; Tuberculosis Ward, San
Francisco Hospital, Letterman Hospital, Y. M. C. A., Presidio; Marine prison, Vallejo; and its
Choral contributed several numbers at the Municipal Concert.

It continues its affiliation with the Fine Arts Association.

Endorsed State Assembly Bill providing for a Bureau of Hygiene in connection with the State Board
of Health.

Endorsed bill on physical instead of military training in our public schools.

Protested against Senate bill attaching the site selected for the Normal School by two previous

Endorsed and worked for the good roads movement.

Endorsed the movement for conservation of the redwood forests of Humboldt County.

Recommended to Congress the changing of the name of Panama Canal to Roosevelt Canal.

Presented resolution to Congress asking the granting of all American Indians full rights of citizenship
and voice in court of claims, the abolishment of Indian bureau system and establishment of public
schools for Indian children on the various reservations that have no schools.

Endorsed the resolution adopted by the Executive Board, City and County Federation of Women's
Clubs, repudiating the action of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco in criticising the Federal
Government's decision in connection with the Coal Miners' strike.

Recommended to the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors to set apart in the coming
annual budget an amount sufficient to pay the teaching force of the San Francisco school department
adequate living salaries.

Recommended to the Board of Supervisors the establishment of a Fire Prevention Bureau.

Recommended to the Board of Supervisors and to the Park Commissioners that hereafter such
statues as are to be placed in our public parks be those of illustrious Americans instead of foreigners.

Inaugurated the work of creating a Municipal Clinic for the necessary supply of morphine to addicts
with the view and the hope of their ultimate cure.

Inaugurated the movement of a "Campaign of Education for Women" concerning the signing of book
(or other) contracts that hold their husbands liable for payment.

Actively worked on the movement for pure English, or rather, American speech, warring against the
use of grants and slang as methods of expression, and urged particular attention to the cultivation of
the speaking voice.

In conclusion, report a new departure in the educational work of this Club, viz., the initiation of
Literary Teas, held once a month. On these occasions distinguished authors and composers, local
and foreign, have been guests of honor. The relating of their experiences in their various fields of
endeavor certainly has deepened our interest in all that pertains to general culture.

Officers 1918-1920

Mrs. Howard C. TIBBITTS, President
Mrs. Harry C. MORRILL, First Vice-President
Mrs. Arthut M. FLOOD, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Joseph VICTOR, Recording Secretary
Mrs. A. John AICHER, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Walter V. WALSH, Treasurer
Mrs. John S. PHILLIPS, Financial Secretary


Mrs. Walter Scott GRAY
Mrs. George T. MARSH
Mrs. Charles P. FONDA
Dr. Gertrude HUNTER
Miss Russella WARD
Mrs. Ida K. UMBSEN

Officers 1920-1921

Mrs. A. W. SCOTT, President
Mrs. O. H. FERNBACH, First Vice-President
Mrs. F. M. SPONOGLE, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Chester Le NOIR, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Lorin BARNES, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. W. J. B. LEE, Assistant Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. John S. PHILLIPS, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Charles ROSNER, Treasurer


Mrs. Joseph VICTOR
Mrs. Walter V. WALSH
Mrs. Helen TREAT
Mrs. John R. JONES

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant