Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Volume 1. Los Angeles County Wills, 1850-1885
Volume 2. Los Angeles County Wills, 1885-1890
Volume 3. San Diego County Wills, 1848-1899
Volume 4. Placer, Shasta, and Yuba County Wills;
Shasta County Birth, Marriages, Deaths, Divorces, 1927; Placer County Marriage
Licenses, 1852-1856
Volume 5. Kern County Wills 1876-1899; Kern
County Marriage Licenses, 1850-1900
Volume 6. Santa Clara County Wills, Solano County
Notice: This data is donated to the Public Domain by TAG,
2005-2006, and may be copied freely by anyone to anywhere.
Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Carol Jackson
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Betty Vickroy, Doug Urbanus, Candice Francisco Toth, Kathy Styles, Dee Sardoch, Margie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Joseph Kral, Carol Jackson, Brie Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Patricia Grisotti, Cathy Gowdy, Carolyn Feroben, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Crowhurst Chesnik, Judy Bodycote-Thomas, Darleen Berens, Donna Becker, and Madelyn Bechini.
Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Carol Jackson
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Betty Vickroy, Doug Urbanus, Candice Francisco Toth, Kathy Styles, Dee Sardoch, Margie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Joseph Kral, Carol Jackson, Brie Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Patricia Grisotti, Cathy Gowdy, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Crowhurst Chesnik, Judy Bodycote-Thomas, Darleen Berens, Donna Becker, and Madelyn Bechini.
Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Ron Filion
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Doug Urbanus, Kathy Styles, Kathy Sedler, Dee Sardoch, Marjorie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Joseph Kral, Carol Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Cathy Gowdy, Pat Garcia, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Chesnik, Judy Bodycote-Thomas, Martha Berryman, Darleen Berens, and Donna Becker.
Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Carol Jackson
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Betty Vickroy, Doug Urbanus, Kathy Styles, Dee Sardoch, Margie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Carol Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Cathy Gowdy, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Crowhurst Chesnik, Judy Bodycote-Thomas, Martha Berryman, Darleen Berens, and Donna Becker.
NOTE: Although the original pages indicate 1927 for Shasta County vitals, the birth and death vitals appear to be from 1917 according to current birth and marriage indexes. The marriages and vitals are probably also from 1917.
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Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Dee Sardoc
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Doug Urbanus, Kathy Styles, Dee Sardoch, Margie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Joseph Kral, Carol Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Cathy Gowdy, Pat Garcia, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Crowhurst Chesnik, Judy Bodycote, Darleen Berens, and Martha Berryman.
Kern County Wills—1876-1879—pages 1-6
Kern County Wills—1881—page 8
Kern County Wills—1880-1896—pages 10-36
Kern County Wills—1897-1899—pages 38-46
Marriage Licenses—Hall of Records—Kern County—1850-1900—Alphabetically
arranged—pages 48-55
Explanation of Index to Wills—page 56
Index to Wills—pages 57-63
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Project Source: Early California wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs.
Project Manager: Ron Filion
Volunteers: Sharon Yost, Pamela Storm, Rich Wharff, Doug Urbanus, Kathy Styles, Dee Sardoch, Margie Newton, Jeanne Moody, Joseph Kral, Carol Jackson, Dale Isaacson, Sandra Harris, Linda Hamid, Cathy Gowdy, Pat Garcia, Ron Filion, Aviva Ernst, Marie Clayton, Jill Crowhurst Chesnik, Judy Bodycote, Darleen Berens, and Martha Berryman.
Santa Clara County Wills—pages 1-25
Index to above—pages 26-27
Solano County Wills—pages 28-48
Index to above—49
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