Please note:
If you have any San Francisco marriage or divorce records among your research notes, particularly if they are from pre-1906, we invite you to submit them to be included in this growing collection. Records regarding your own families of interest may include your email address if you wish that other researchers be able to contact you. Records for families that are unknown to you are welcome, too, so please consider sharing them as well. . .they may be of great help to another researcher!We do *not* have copies of these marriage or divorce records, nor can we answer questions about the people mentioned, since we are only providing the collection online for your use. If there is a "contact" name, you may contact the researcher with questions about the families mentioned in the marriage or divorce record, but they have *not* necessarily volunteered to provide copies. Source information for each entry is provided for your convenience so that you can obtain a copy of the record on your own. This is *highly* recommended, as some of the older microfilmed newspapers, especially, are difficult to read and transcription errors may have occurred.
A |Ba
- Bl |Bm
- Bz |Ca
- Cl |Cm
- Cz |Da
- Dl |Dm
- Dz |
E |Fa
- Fl |Fm
- Fz |Ga
- Gl |Gm - Gz | Ha
- Hl | Hm - Hz |
I | J
| K | La
- Ll | Lm - Lz | Mc
| Ma - Ml
| Mm - Mz
Na -Nl
Nm - Nz
Oa - Ol
Om - Oz
| Pa - Pl
| Pm - Pz
| Q
Ra - Rl
| Rm - Rz |Sa
- Sd |
- Sl |
- Sp |
- Sz |
- Tl |
- Tz
U | V
| Wa - Wl
| Wm - Wz
| X | Y
| Z